Original + Signed Book of "Hades & Persephone" + Wooden Pin
This special set includes :
* 1 signed book
* 1 little original drawing inside the cover
* 1 dedication to whom you want (don't forget to add a note for it!)
* 1 surprise wooden Pin (not the enamel mock-up shown here , see pic 3 )
Ce set spécial contient :
* 1 livre "Hades&Persephone" signé
* 1 petit dessin original sur la première de couverture
* 1 dédicace à l'attention de la personne de votre choix (ajoutez une note ;) )
* 1 pin's surprise en bois ( pas un de ceux montré sur l'image, cf photo 3 )
ps : the book is both in French and in English
ps2 : you can chose which pin you want, just add a note with your choice.